Uma análise de AAPI CME Tour Maldives

Our business partners can be assured of a receptive audience and, once engaged, a loyal client and ambassador of the product and company.

Great Conference! Dr. Steve Burgess delivered a wonderful, concise, up to date and evidence-based conference on the "Meat and Potatoes" of Hospital Medicine. I will use most of this information on a daily basis in my practice. This was the best conference I've attended in my 32 years of practice.

Start your planning process by researching and identifying CME cruises that align with your professional interests and educational needs. Numerous cruise lines and organizations offer CME programs, so consider factors such as the cruise duration, destinations, available CME credits, and the faculty conducting the sessions.

GTFS Realtime. As the name clearly states, this extension to the main service aims at providing real-time data coming from transit agencies about delays and schedule changes.

Navigate your financial future with ACP’s tools and resources to help you plan and make wise financial decisions.

I absolutely loved this conference again! I attended in 2022 and had a wonderful experience and had the same experience this time!

We are delighted to have you as a member and look forward to your active participation in all AAPI activities and strengthen your organization for our mutual benefit. Thank you.

Today, we continue a never-ending journey to bridge the meaning of those words with the realities of our time. For these four decades of history will tell you that while these truths may be self-evident, they have never been self-executing.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Jan 12, 2024: KANDY – NUWARA ELIYA After breakfast, check out from the hotel and proceed to visit the much famed Temple of the Tooth. The golden-roofed Temple of the Tooth enshrines Sri Lanka’s most important Buddhist relic – a tooth of the Buddha. During offering times, the heavily guarded room housing the tooth is open to devotees and tourists. However, you don’t actually see the tooth. It’s kept in a gold casket shaped like a ‘dagoba’ (stupa), which contains a series of six dagoba caskets of diminishing size. Thereafter, board a local train at Kandy Train Station where your seats will be pre-reserved, and enjoy a scenic train journey through mountains, waterfalls and tea estates to the hill 12 country – Nuwara Eliya…Experience live music and sing some of your favorite songs, while enjoying local snacks and drinks served during your train journey.

Sarasota is also a paradise of outdoor activities with scenic golf courses, kayaking in lagoons and world-class sport fishing charters. Sarasota has a range of accommodation options for conference-goers seeking Gulf views, luxury suites and resort stays.

If you’re sourcing hotel data from multiple suppliers — for instance from two bed banks, or from a bed bank and a couple of aggregators — inevitably, some of the properties will duplicate as most suppliers have intersecting inventories.

The problem is, different suppliers may have different naming conventions for hotel IDs and room types. And you don’t want your users to see the same property with slightly different room naming and prices in search results.

After breakfast, départ by your air-conditioned motor-coach for Dambulla. Arrive in the afternoon in Dambulla. Early afternoon, meet with your Local Tour Guide at the hotel lobby where you will briefed on the journey you are about to embark upon. Thereafter, proceed to explore the ruins of Polonnaruwa. As you journey to Dambulla, catch glimpses of Coconut cultivation Fields and vast areas of Paddy Fields in the outskirts of the city, as well as conterraneo & man made reservoirs that support the agricultural industry of the village folk. As your journey deepens into the northern part of the island you will be able to witness exotic birds, Monitor Lizards, grey Buffalos and overly friendly Monkeys. Rising with the decline of Anuradhapura, the city of Polonnaruwa –medieval capital & crown jewel of King Parakramabahu I remains superior proof of ancient culture & heritage blended with religious beliefs. Walk across its scattered walls of the World Heritage Site – blessed by stupas, resting more info Buddha statues, irrigation canals and fantastically carved Hindu sculptures – while observing the relic house – Watadage – which boasts of beautiful stone carvings. Take a close glance and you will realize a subtle Hindu influence on architecture and statues found in Polonnaruwa. Or sit by the side of Galviharaya and observe the absolute beauty gushing out of every bend of its huge Buddhist statues. Nissankamalla Council Chamber is however, a headspinning beauty to just sit back and observe with its swaying pillars reminding the aesthetics of a powerful kingdom which rests beside Parakrama Samudraya – sea of Parakramabahu & masterpiece of irrigation! Return to your hotel after the tour. Meals : Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Jan 09, 2024: DAMBULLA – ANURADHAPURA – DAMBULLA After an early breakfast, journey to the sacred city of Anuradhapura.

Fulfill your state CME relicensure requirements by participating in ACP scientific sessions and activities.

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